Saturday, September 8, 2012

Evolution > De-Evolution

There seems like there's just not a lot to be optimistic about in a world where there's war, poverty, and joblessness. It's hard to find peace knowing that there's people living on the streets and families without food and money; that's the optimist in me...I feel sorry for those people and I am grateful for the life and opportunity I have.

Then comes the good ol' devil on my shoulder telling me that those people probably did something to make their lives end up that way, that I shouldn't feel sorry for people who cannot, or will not fight to survive in the world. Charles Darwin (aka my hero) wouldn't feel bad for these people: it's evolution. The weakest people die off...whether they starve or get sick, they obviously don't have the ability to adapt to changes.

And then I think to myself: Why do I think like this? Do other people think like this? Problem #36 of being an over-analytic person: Over-analyzing my over-analyzing...don't even get me started...

I see myself as the giraffe in Charles Darwin's explanation of survival of the fittest; the giraffe once had a shorter neck, like a horse, however it was in an environment where it could only get its food from tall trees. So, over time, the evolution allowed for giraffes with longer necks to survive and the shorter giraffes to die of starvation. Eventually, the giraffe became what it is known for today. I have had a lot of things thrown my way in my life, and I've had to learn to adapt to survive. I could have easily given up a long time ago, but I just knew that wasn't an option.

Visual Aide:

I really think the most accurate depiction of a post-apocalyptic event is not from movies like 2012  or The Day After Tomorrow, but of the movie Idiocracy. I mean, despite the silliness of a lot of it, it really had a great message: all of the lower IQ people (totally not poking fun at people with mental disabilities), the "degenerates of society" if you will, those who mooch off of the government and cash in their welfare checks for drugs or whatever else while they continue to pop out children, will soon be the only type of people left in this world. It's a known face that intelligence is hereditary, and especially with the way education works these days (too many students, not enough teachers, not enough money), the theory is that there will no longer be intelligent people left. In the movie (for those who haven't seen it), Luke Wilson, the main character, wakes up find that he's hundreds of years in the future and the world is full of trash, in fact, cities are made of trash, and since there was so much "breeding" for lack of better word, with the unintelligent people of the world, there are no more smart people left, and basically de-evolution has occurred and everyone has reverted to a neanderthal/primitive way of thinking. It's one of my top 5 favorite movies. Highly recommended. 

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