Sunday, January 27, 2013

B Positive

I found out recently that my blood type is B Positive. 
I did a lot of reading up on it because I've always been curious, and I know that differently blood types can make one susceptible to developing different diseases, as well as have a different way of metabolizing certain foods. What I found to be interesting is that I felt almost like I was reading my horoscope when I was reading about internal characteristics of individuals with B type blood. 

Surprisingly, only 9% of Americans have B positive blood type. The majority of the population with that blood type are of Asian descent, except in Germany and Austria, there is a huge population with this blood type. Not surprising there, since my heritage is Polish/Austrian. It is believed that B blood initially came from the Himalayan Highlands, now Pakistan and India, and that it mutated to adapt to certain climatic changes as those people migrated across Europe and had to find different types of food to survive. 
From what I've read, individuals with B blood type have a great genetic potential for malleability and the ability to adapt and thrive in any given conditions. (Did someone just describe Darwin's theories??) 
                                                    I LOVE DARWIN <3

What's a giant bummer, though, is that people with B blood type are known to produce higher cortisol levels in response to stress (aka: maybe that's why I'm getting migraines?!), but overall are the healthiest and the tallest of any of the blood types.

For Type Bs, the biggest factors in weight gain are corn, wheat, and bean products. They can affect the efficiency of  metabolic processes and make us tired. I've been hearing for MONTHS that I should go gluten free anyway, so maybe now's the time? Damn! I love me some spaghetti, corn on the cob, and black beans!

Another surprisingly common food to avoid is chicken (whatever, I don't even really like chicken anyway), because it contains Blood Type B agglutinating lectin in its muscle tissue. What is that, you ask? It's not good, I'll tell you that right now! Lectins regulate cell adhesion to glycoproteins in the blood and can mess with the way your body regulates proteins (the way a corrupt police officer regulates other words, he doesn't!)

Anyway, it can lead to potential strokes and immune disorders. And now I'm officially done with chicken!

And this is where it gets freaky: apparently, people with Type B respond best to exercise that's not to aerobically intense, and do activities that have more of a mental challenge and involve people, such as hiking, bike riding, sports, etc. Which, if you ask anyone when the last time I've run on a treadmill is, you'd hear crickets. However, I would go hiking every single weekend if I had the chance!

Also, in a study, it was shown that most Blood Type B's describe themselves as subjective, easygoing, creative, original and flexible. They are score high on the intuiting/feeling combination of personality traits, indicating insightful, idealistic, creative, globally-oriented, people oriented and imaginative personality traits. They also learn best through listening, then reflecting on and interpreting what they had observed (which is what I'm doing now, right?). 

The article I read also mentioned that I should maintain these lifestyle strategies in order to live a healthy and fulfilling life:

  • Finding healthy ways to express my non-conformist side (yes, I most definitely need to express that in a healthier way. I'm too negative sometimes about certain things)
  • Go to bed no later than 11PM and sleep for 8 hours or more. B individuals need to maintain their circadian rhythm. (I'm a GRUMP when I get less than 7 hours of sleep)
  • Be spontaneous (I like routine a little too much sometimes and can get bogged down in the mundane, non-surprising or exciting factors of life).                                   
  • As B's age, they have a tenancy to suffer memory loss and have decreased mental acuity. I need to stay sharp and do tasks that require concentration unless I want to end up with brain soup at a young age!

Anyway, if these don't work, and it's all just hocus pocus, at lease I'm trying to B positive (HA! Pun intended) on my path to self discovery and understanding the mysterious ways of universe.